Safety features play an important role in protecting people at work or on the road, on construction sites and in the field. A great accessory is a cross, which is easy to put on clothes and does not take up unnecessary space outside of use.
The elastic material is elastically aligned during movement. It will not restrict or push you while wearing it. You can adjust the length and width of the belt with a cable tie. You can dress the hi-viz cross over a layer of thick winter clothes. The length of the stripes gives enough space for adult wear. Simple fastening in the middle is solved with a plastic clip. Press the two buckle tabs against each other to release the connection. When worn, the buckle firmly fixes the cross and does not release spontaneously.
A reflective stripe is inserted in the width of 4 cm of the basic yellow strip. Reflective paint responds immediately to the impact of light from any source. The reflection will alert you to your presence well in advance, even in low light conditions.